
It must be the season for Warmshower’s guests as we’ve had 3 in one week.  It was nice to see our first one come with a somewhat light load on his bike, compared to the two Korean boys that came within 5 days later.

The Korean’s, as with most foreign cross-country cyclists, don’t know what to expect, so the plan for the worst, meaning they have everything except the kitchen sink loaded on their bikes.

Age must have something to do with your load, as the lightweight fellow was over 65 and the younger ones in their 20’s had loads that I’d find hard to manage around the block.

Everyone was having the same amount of fun, however, so it’s all must be relative to your strength and tolerance.  Every time we have a cycling guest we learn something and we’re happy to show off Durango.

Speaking of which, we took our first WIS day hike just above the Animas Valley.  If you click on the photo you should be able to see the valley below greening up.  This was the only photo worth showing as the others were of downed trees, which is the purpose of us hiking the trails in Spring as a volunteer for the Forest Service.  It’ll be many more weeks before we can venture much further into the local mountains, so if we want to get warm we’ll have to go to the desert, or hang out in this new shower.

For those who never get to see Rocky Mountain Sheep up close here’s a drive-by photo taken on our way back from Silverton this week.  The sheep are licking the salt off the highway.  Clicking on this photo will show them starting to shed their winter coats.

And for those who’ve helped or kept up with the bathroom remodel, I was able to install the sink countertop and faucets after only a few hiccups.  The old sink top was put down with Liquid Nails, and that took over an hour. It still got cracked in the removal.  Once the new top was installed, all went well until I turned the water back on.  The cold supply only allowed a dribble.  After a short trip to the hardware store, and two trips under the condo to turn on and off the water supply, the stuck (26 year-old) closet valve was replaced and all was well again. The chipped shower door side glass has been replaced, at the installers expense, as well.

Now it’s only a matter of waiting for the new wallpaper to arrive, and then we’ll have a completely new bathroom.